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Worship Ministries


Young people grades 3 through 12 are invited to be part of the acolyte corps.  The acolytes serve on Sundays at the 10:00 a.m. worship service and at major feast days.  The purpose of the acolytes is to assist the congregation in the worship of God.  

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild enhances the worship of the people of God in a quiet ministry by setting up altar linens, vestments, altar vessels for services and by maintaining the same in proper order. Services provided by the altar guild are: washing and ironing altar linens; polishing silver and brass vessels; setting up linens, vestments, and vessels for services and ensuring that items are properly cleaned and stored after use. Men and women are invited to join the altar guild.


Chalice Ministers

Chalice Ministers, assist the Celebrant in distributing the Sacrament in the form of consecrated wine when the people of God gather to worship and celebrate the Holy Eucharist.  Chalice Ministers attend training workshops as designated by the Rector and Coordinator.


Lectors are people who read the Old and New Testament lessons and lead the appointed Psalm so that the congregation can hear the Word of God in a lively and meaningful manner.   Lay Readers must know beforehand the Scriptures they are to present, so they can spend time “reading, marking, learning and inwardly digesting them” (Collect for Proper 28, BCP) in order to be effective communicators of their meaning.


Ushers greet members of the congregation welcome visitors and look after the well being of those who worship with us.  They assist people in obtaining seats, and try to maintain an atmosphere of both welcome and quiet worship before services begin.  During service, the ushers collect the offerings, and direct people to the altar rail.